Adios Corona

We now know enough about the virus and the epidemic to live safely: to neither be infected nor transmit it to others. Here are our scientific advice, opinions, and recommendations to protect you, understand, and act against the coronavirus. Simple explanations of the scientific articles on the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 disease. Some translations of the original French pages have not yet been checked.

News Posters Webinar 27 May 2021

Understanding Coronavirus

Acting in a COVID Pandemic

Opinions from scientists at CNRS, INSERM, Institut Pasteur, INRA, and many other universities / medical institutes from around the world. Our team is voluntary and independent. It is possible that the content of this site does not represent the views of our research institutions. Our opinions do not constitute medical advice and do not implicate the responsibility of the authors.

Concrete answers and practical advice to questions for the whole family. For each piece of information and recommendation, we identify reliable sources and provide clear explanations.

What to do with the coronavirus? What to do when you go shopping, take the train, bus or subway, go on holiday, invite people to visit your home, how not to transmit the virus, how to avoid being contaminated, recycle your mask, get tested or vaccinated, decontaminate objects, take care of yourself and your friends, how to discern among contradictory studies on coronavirus, understand the concepts of lethality, mortality, excess mortality, RNA, and R0.

The Adios Corona scientific team highlights differences between countries and accepts when it is necessary to say "we simply don't know" because admitting our lack of knowledge is important too!