Assess your risk of contamination in each situation
Am I alone?
Do I wear a mask that covers my nose and mouth well?
YesNo -
Do everyone else wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth?
YesNo -
Is anyone within 1-2 meters of me (transportation, work, restaurant, bar, patio, gym)?
YesNo -
Is anyone talking or eating?
YesNo -
Is anyone talking loud, singing, or out of breath?
YesNo -
Am I going to touch objects also touched by others? (button, switch, door or fridge handle, object, food from a shop, dish, food from a meal, armrest, train-bus-airplane handle, ball...)
YesNo -
Does the meeting or activity with others take place indoors?
YesNo -
If it's indoors, is the air recirculated? (windows open, strong ventilation)
YesNo -
Does the meeting or activity with others last more than 2 hours?
YesNo -
Are there more than 100 people around me?
Am I going to touch objects also touched by others? (button, switch, door or fridge handle, object, food from a shop, dish, food from a meal, armrest, train-bus-airplane handle, ball...)
Your risk is: 0
value between 0 (no risk) and 4 (most risky situation)
This risk scale does not take into account :
- of the number of people with COVID-19 in your area: more precautions should be taken in areas where coronavirus circulation is active (many cases of patients with COVID-19)
- vulnerability: if you are a vulnerable person, you need to consider the risk of developing a serious form of COVID-19.
See the question How do we assess the risks in our daily lives?